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Water Health Manager

What is Water Health Manager?

Water health manager is the set of hydrogen products that are good for your health. Hydrogen works as a strong antioxidant that removes free radical that causes a lot of modern diseases. Currently, it is considered that the key of preventing diseases is removing this free radical in medical field. Also, germs and bacteria cause lots of diseases, especially when the environment is not clean. Our product removes pesticide, germs and bacteria in 1 minute, so users can use our products to clean their environment and wash fruits and vegetables without any harmful issues.

The H2, the portable hydrogen water generator, is the smallest and lightest hydrogen water generator in the market, and the concentration of hydrogen is one of the highest even with the compact size. People can bring The H2 and use whenever and wherever they need hydrogen water.

La Jeunesse, the portable hydrogen water mist, works like the hydrogen water generator, but it’s designed for skin hydration. Users can use La Jeunesse as a beauty product, and they can fill the water and reuse La Jeunesse, meaning that users do not need to buy mist again.

VIZERO, the portable sterilizing water generator, is the smallest and lightest hypochlorous water generator that produces highest, but safe sterilizing water. Users only need to use water and salt(if users want strong sterilization potential) to produce sterilizing water, and it’s perfectly safe to use not like the chemical sterilizing substances.

Specialty of Water Health Manager
Remove free radical which is the main factor of modern diseases
Improve of cell metabolism & increase of body temperature
Fast hydration & skin moisturizing & anti-inflammation
Remove hazardous germs in less than 1 minute
Fast sterilization & deodorization of numerous materials
Healthcare Products with the best portability
Drink and Spray the clean water for your health

주식회사 에스에이치프러스









[최종수정 23.01.13]

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