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COVID-19 Sample Collection Kits

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  • 전화번호
COVID-19 Sample Collection Kits
for Upper Respiratory Tract Specimens

 For upper respiratory specimens, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending nasopharyngeal washes/aspirates, nasal aspirates or to collect both a nasopharyngeal swab AND an oropharyngeal swab made of synthetic fiber with plastic applicators.
 Multiple specimens from the same patient may be taken with a single swab. If more than one swab is used for collecting specimens from two different locations in the same patient, both swabs may be placed in the same vial in order to conserve collection and assay supplies.
 Once the specimens are collected, it is recommended that the swabs are placed in 2-3 ml of viral
transport media

 One of GeneSolution’s kits pairs 3mL of UTM (universal viral transport medium) and two Swabs: one synthetic flocked swab ideal for nasopharyngeal samples and one regular synthetic flocked swab ideal of oropharyngeal samples.
 Our sample collection kit provides a appropriate transport and storage environment for swab samples. It can maintain virus samples under prescribed conditions for routine nucleic acid extraction, genetic testing and PCR testing, etc
